Save Up to 30% of
Your Tax Bill For UAE’s New Corporate Tax
As of June 2023, businesses earning over 375,000 AED are required to
pay a 9% corporate tax.
We’ve compiled a comprehensive list of tax-deductible items that you can strike off
your expenses to maximize your savings for FREE (lawyers generally charge a small fortune for this information).
The Checklist Includes:
Information that accountants use to charge thousands of dollars. We’re giving it all up for free.
Information that accountants use to charge thousands of dollars. We’re giving it all up for free.
Segmentation of Tax Deductibles Into Common Categories
Expenses that can reduce your tax bill by up to 30%
Most common items that business owners fail to claim as deductible
Easy-to-use format to track your expenses efficiently
This checklist will save you hours of time and effort by providing you with everything you need to know in a compiled list.
No more tiresome lawyer visits or Google searches to check each item individually. You can simply tally your expenses against the list to save BIG on your tax bill.

Download the Checklist today for FREE
We’ve compiled a comprehensive list of tax deductibles to help you minimize your tax bill. Download it today for free to start saving big.